Change Currency
Posted by 투초이스 on 4th Sep 2022
2022년도 참 빨리 지나가서 벌써 또 추석이네요, 맙소사..
올해 추석연휴는 9월 5일부터 18일까지입니다.
그 기간 동안은 배송도 고객지원도 불가합니다.
4일까지 주문하신 것들은 추석연휴 전에 보내드릴 수 있어요.
추석연휴기간동안 주문은 가능하지만 19일부터 순차적으로 처리할 예정입니다.
여전히 2020년 2월 이전과 같은 보통의 날들은 아직이지만
머지않아 곧 와 주리라 믿어요.
그러니 우리 모두 힘내요!
언제나처럼 찾아와주시고 이해해주셔서 정말 감사합니다.
It's been a while.
Time flies so fast in 2022 as well and Chu Seok is coming again.. OMG..
We are going to take a break from September 5th to September 18th.
Shipping and customer support would not be available during that time.
Please send us an email for urgent matters.
Orders placed by September 4th would be shipped out before we take a break.
We would take orders however orders would be processed from September 19th.
Our ordinary days have not come around yet.
However, we believe that our/your ordinary days come back soon..
Let's all cheer up!
Thanks for visiting us today.
We do appreciate your understanding as always.
안녕하세요~벌써 2017년 6월도 끝을 향해 달려가고 있어요.매일 행복한 하루 보내고 있으신가요?저희는 덕분에 잘 지내고 있어요.We were told that Oversea Shipping Rate of Korea post office would be changed from July 1st. Some countries have lower rate but most of them would have higher rate. T_TDue to this reason we are modifying our shipping system.Some countries may [...]