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[1.24 ~ 2.6] Lunar New Year's Day Break !!!!!

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벌써 새해가 되었네요.

여전히 자유롭지 못한 날들을 보내고 있지만 모두들 무탈하게 잘 지내고 있길 바라요..

일주일이 지나면 설날이에요!

올해 투초이스는 2주간 쉽니다.

1월 23일까지 주문한 것들은 설 휴가 전에 모두 보내드릴거에요.

주문은 받겠지만 2월 7일부터 순차적으로 주문이 처리될 예정이니 급하신 분들께는 죄송합니다.. ㅠ_ㅠ

여전히 많은 항공기가 운항을 하지 못하고 있어 DHL로의 배송만 진행하고 있습니다.

내년에는 부디 보다 저렴한 배송료로 책들을 보내드릴 수 있길 진심으로 바라고 있어요.

잊지 않고 찾아와 주시는 분들, 새로 와 주시는 분들

모두모두 감사합니다.

덕분에 작년에도 잘 지냈어요.

올해도 저희는 열심히 하겠습니다!

언제나 감사해요.

2022년에도 늘 건강하시길 바라요..


It's the new year already.

Our life is still lack of freedom however hope all of you are having a good time.

It is Korean New Year's Day(설날) soon!

We are going to have a petit vacation for two weeks this year.

Orders placed by January 23rd could be shipped before we take a break for Lunar New Year's Day.

We would take orders during those days but orders would be processed from February 7th in a sequential order.

We do apologize for the customers who urgently need the books.

Still fewer flights are working so that we ship via DHL only at this point.

We hope to provide a cheaper shipping method next year.

Revisited customers and new comers,

we are gratitude to have you all.

We were good thanks to you.

We would work hard this year too!

Thank you so much as always.

We do hope all of you stay well in 2022 as well.

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