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[서강 한국어] New Sogang Korean 2B Student's Book
274 Pages ㅣ 188*254 (mm) ㅣ Textbook + Appendix book(English) + 1 CD
This new Sogang Korean series is an updated version of its predecessor with the following changes:
- new Grammar textbook
- Information on social and cultural context updated and modernized
- New illustrations and more effective layout
- Complete guide for Korean language learning, covering grammar, reading, speaking, listening and writing
The objective of this book is to assist readers to improve their communication skills in the Korean language. The format of the textbook and the workbook allows the learner to select and focus on any of the four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). These skills are connected by a common learning objective in each lesson, enabling the student to build on each through new situations and repetition.
The students learn specific language functions through meaningful practice dialogues. Ultimately, students are able to create their own original conversations. Relevant illustrations accompany each lesson to provide visual context and to heighten student interest. In addition, lesson objectives and tasks have been written in English to facilitate the learning process for beginners. To further assist independent study, the book also includes English explanations of Korean grammar, scripts for each CD, complete translations for each lesson, and a glossary of terms.
내용 구성표
단원 구성
교재 인물 소개
1과 앤디 씨 옆에 있는 분 아세요?
2과 어제 늦게까지 공부한것 같아요
3과 주말이니까 나가자
4과 큰형은 조용한데 저는 안 그래요
5과 아무리 바빠도 운동을 해야 해요
6과 스페인에 가 본 적이 있으세요?
7과 축하합니다. 기쁘시겠어요
8과 면접 잘 하셨습니까?
9과 처음에 한국에 왔을 때 어떠셨어요?
듣기 대본(한국어)
듣기 대본(영어)
CD 트랙목차