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문화가 있는 한국어 읽기2Reading Korean with Culture 2
Author : Hangrok Cho, Unggyoung Kim, Heejung Min
Book page : 200 pages
Supplement : MP3 CD
Book size: 188 x 257 mm
ISBN: 978-89-277-3249-5 (18710)
A textbook providing you with various subjects and genres for reading Korean culture!
Read diverse genres including practical writings, essays, and explanatory notes related to Korean culture!
Build comprehensive language function through writing and talking exercises before and after reading!
Organized to enable the students to summarize and restructure the core ideas of each paragraph by themselves!
From basic cultural understanding to comparative cultural discussions, all become possible through step-by-step vocabulary learning and reading!
<Reading Korean with Culture> is a textbook for novice and advanced learners in reading Korean. It enables the students to learn Korean through various genres of articles ranging from explanatory notes, practical writings, and literary works step-by-step from stage 1 to stage 6. By reading texts with diverse topics related to Korean culture, learners can build not only their reading abilities but also their overall communication skills through comprehensive language function exercises spanning listening, talking, and writing. <Reading Korean with Culture 2> consists of 28 chapters on various subjects like public institutions, personal relationship, cultural experiences, leisure time, food, and manner. With beginning level learnersas its main readers, this book aims to cultivate diverse language functions with exercises before and after reading. Also, the “New Vocabulary” attached to reading materials contained in the books from vol. 1 to vol. 4 offer English, Chinese, and Japanese translation together to enhance the learners’ understanding.
Table of Contents
머리말 4
목차 8
교재 구성표10
01한국은 아시아 동쪽에 있습니다 14
02대한민국의 수도는 서울입니다20
03반찬 좀 더 주세요26
04세계 여러 나라에도 다양한 만두가 있어요 32
05처음 통장을 만들었어요 38
06빨리 와 주세요44
07안녕?안녕하세요? 50
08어떻게 부를까요? 56
09이런 김치도 있어요? 62
10찜질방에서 신기한 경험을 했어요 68
11편리한 한국의 버스를 이용해 보세요 74
12편하게 떠나요80
13서울이 다 보여요86
14남대문시장은 한국에서 가장 역사가 길어요92
15함께 하면 더 재미있어요 98
16신나게 두드려요104
17새해 복 많이 받으세요 110
18보름달을 보면서 소원을 빌었어요 116
19자장면은 한국 사람들에게 추억의 음식입니다 122
20음식마다 이야기가 있어요 128
21식사할 때도 예절을 지켜야 해요 134
22나에게는 편하지만 남에게는 불편해요 140
23어디가 아파요? 146
24심하게 아프지 않으면 약국에 가요 152
25언니가 결혼을 했어요 158
26친구가 병문안을 와 주었어요 164
27물이 안 나와요170
28살고 싶은 집을 그려 봐요 176
모범 답안184
어휘 색인 190
표현 색인194