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Practical Korean 4 (English Ver.)
240 Pages, Book size: 188 x 257 mm, Supplement: Workbook (128 pages), MP3 CD 1
* Author : Hangrok Cho, Yunmi Chae
* ISBN :9788927731481
About This Book
All about everyday practical Korean in use!
This book was written for intermediate level Korean learners who have successfully overcome the initial difficulties of the introductory and beginning levels. After successfully mastering the contents of this book, learners will be able to not only communicate naturally and fluently with Koreans about daily life, but also engage in basic communication at the workplace and in other places of social life. In sum, the goal of this book is to help alleviate the stress and difficulty of communicating in Korean in daily life, while also enabling learners to both appreciate and enjoy all the basic aspects of Korean social life.
• Reflecting the theories and know-how of current Korean language teaching methodologies, this book can be utilized both within Korea and abroad.
• With six books taking Korean language learners through basic, intermediate, and advanced levels, this series offers intensive language study.
• Through tasks on various topics, this series offers an integrated language approach to listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
• Exercises on each topic ensure effective learning.
• The Practical Korean series presents the necessary vocabulary words and expressions
required for communicating in real-life situations in Korean.
** Table of Contents
How to Use This Book
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 나도 지난 학기에 들어 봤는데 아주 흥미로웠거든.
I took them last semester and they were really interesting.
Chapter 2 이사는 다음 달 20일 이후에 가능하대요.
She said you could move in after the 20th of next month.
Chapter 3 아무리 바빠도 식사는 규칙적으로 해야지요.
Even if you’re busy, you should still eat meals regularly.
Chapter 4 나도 전에는 성격이 내성적이었었는데 지금은 활발해졌거든.
I also used to be introverted, but now I’m more outgoing.
Chapter 5 Review Test 1~4
Chapter 6 바쁘실 텐데 와 주셔서 감사합니다.
Thank you for coming even though you are so busy.
Chapter 7 무리하지 말고 근처 공원이라도 달려 보세요.
Don’t overdo it; you can try running at a nearby park or something.
Chapter 8 지갑을 놓고 오는 바람에 집에 다시 갔다 왔어요.
I went back home again because I left my wallet there.
Chapter 9 비자 연장을 안 해서 벌금을 낼 뻔했어요.
I almost had to pay a fine because I didn’t extend my visa.
Chapter 10 Review Test 6~9
Chapter 11 기사에 따르면 피의자가 사고를 낼 당시에 음주 상태였대요.
According to the article, the suspect was drunk at the time of the accident.
Chapter 12 시간이 이렇게 빨리 갈 줄 알았더라면 한국에서 여행을 많이 할 걸 그랬어요.
If I had known that the time would pass so quickly I would have traveled a lot in Korea. . 158
Chapter 13 지역에 맞는 종량제 봉투를 사용해야 한다고 하더라고요.
They told me I had to use a standard bag that is appropriate for the area.
Chapter 14 할머니께서 옛날이야기를 자주 해 주시곤 했어요.
My grandmother used to tell us fairy tales often.
Chapter 15 Review Test 11~14
Dialogue Translations
Culture Section Translations