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안녕하세요.벌써 가을이에요!! How's your 2014 so far? Hope you are having a good one as we do. :)October 3 is 개천절(The National Foundation Day of Korea)and 9 is 한글날(Hangeul Proclamation Day).Both are national holiday so we take a break.However Oct 3 is friday and we receive books via domestic logistics so we cannot ship books until Oct [...]
안녕하세요. How have you been? Hope you have great moment. :)We've noticed that some of our customers experience errors at checkout. Most of the errors are generated by paypal to prevent fraud. Error 1. State/province- some countries need state/province but some doesn't. However we strongly recommend you to fill out state/province if you experienced any error at checkout process. You could [...]
안녕하세요.Some of our customers raised question on order status.Thus, we would like to explain on several order status.1. Pending- Your order has not been made. You need to proceed your order again.Orders with "pending" is usually found at "Abandoned orders".2. Awaiting Payment- When you choose Bank deposit/ Western Union, you would see this status until [...]
Hi-As you know, we support Live Chat during business hours.However, there is some change so we would like to inform you Live Chat service hours.Mon : 15:00 ~ 19:00 (GMT +9)Tue : 11:00 ~ 13:00 (GMT +9)Wed: 15:00 ~ 19:00 (GMT +9)Thu: 11:00 ~ 13:00 (GMT +9)Fri: 15:00 ~ 19:00 (GMT +9)* No Live chat support on the weekend.Please understand [...]
안녕하세요- 서울은 어제부터 비가 주륵주륵 내리고 있어요. / We have rainy day since yesterday. Today, we announce about the tracking number. As soon as we ship the order, we receive the tracking number. These numbers are trackable as soon as we dispatch. If you cannot track your shipment, it means that we gave you the wrong tracking number. ( Our [...]
Dear. Customers, 안녕하세요- Dd you have a good day? (We hope you had. ^^) Soon, One of the biggest national holiday of Korea is coming (추석: Chu Seok). It's like thanksgiving day. From next week, there would be a rush of sending gifts through delivery system(택배) which we use for fulfilling our products. Due to the high demand on domestic delivery, [...]
Good morning. We have received several emails regarding "state error" while customers checkout. It usually happens when your region does not have a specific state/province. To have a smooth transaction, we recommend you to fill out state/province with your city. This process is done by paypal to prevent fraud usage of credit card or paypal account. Sorry for the inconvenience [...]
안녕하세요~~ Today, we have added live chat on our store front. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us. Operation time is 11:00 to 18:00, however, it can be changed without notice. It also provides google translation so that you can ask us with your own language. :) Customers can leave their questions while we are not [...]
Good day, everyone- We have prepared small gift for you. :) Get free Highcut Tabloid with any purchase on our store. Please remind that shipping weitght would be increased by 0.3 kg. Have a good day- :) 와 주셔서 감사합니다-
** We have written this post on our wordpress blog. Hope this could help you. :) 안녕하세요- Today, we are going to introduce and recommend some books for basic learners who barely knows Korean language. Please find your current status first. 1. I’m like a baby. I can speak Annyeonghaseyo(안녕하세요) but I cannot read or write the word. - We recommend [...]