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Master Korean 2-2 Basic (Chinese)

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Product Description

Master Korean 2-2 Basic Chinese version


288 Pages, Book size: 188 x 257 mm, Supplement: 1 MP3 CD

ISBN : 9788927731290

ㆍAuthor : Hangrok Cho, Tyeyoung Yang, Sunhee Kim, Seongwon Ryu, Hyeran Jung, Hoseon Jeong


About This Book 

Master Korean 2–2 Basic follows Master Korean 2–1 Basic as the next volume in the Master Korean series, targeting Korean learners who have studied through Level 1 of the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIKⅠ). Learners can systematically develop their communication skills through a variety of activities. In particular, by widely applying the teaching principles of task-based instruction through a variety of visual and audio materials, learners can easily and enjoyably learn Korean. In addition, we have provided information about the Korean culture and language that is necessary to communicate effectively in some situations. In these ways, learners can study Korean using a truly multi-dimensional approach.


** Table of Contents

발간사 Preface 

일러두기 How to Use This Book  

목차 Contents

교재 구성표 Table of Contents 

등장인물 소개 Introduction of Characters 


제06장 음식 Food

01 저는 명절마다 고향에 내려가요. I go to my hometown on traditional holidays.

02 식사를 하면서 소리를 내지 않아야 해요. You shouldn’t make noises while you are eating  

03 저도 요리를 잘했으면 좋겠어요. I wish I could cook well, too. 

04 식사부터 하고 공부할까요? How about eating first and then studying?

05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review 

문화 Culture  


제07장 병원 The Hospital

01 병원에 가 보는 게 어때요? Why don’t you go to see a doctor?

02 배가 아파서 아무것도 먹을 수가 없어요. My stomach hurts and I can’t eat anything.

03 손을 깨끗이 씻도록 하세요. Please wash your hands thoroughly.

04 걱정해 주신 덕분에 많이 좋아졌어요. Thanks for your concern. I’m much better now.

05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review

문화 Culture


제08장 여가활동 Leisure Activities

01 아무리 바빠도 주말에는 자전거를 타러 가요. No matter how busy I am, I ride my bike on weekends.  

02 배우들이 진짜 괴물과 싸우는 것처럼 연기를 잘해. The actors perform so well as if they’re fighting a real monster

03 휴가철에 비해서 비행기 표 값이 싸요. Airline tickets are cheap now compared to the vacation season.

04 방학 때마다 가족들과 가던 곳이에요. It’s the place where I used to go with my family every vacation.  

05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review


문화 Culture


제09장 초대와 방문 Invitations and Visits

01 토니 씨와 유미코 씨도 오기로 했어요. Tony and Yumiko have also decided to come.  

02 회사 일 때문에 부산에 가게 되었어요. The company decided to send me to Busan for work. 

03 바쁘실 텐데 와 주셔서 정말 감사해요. Thank you so much for coming even though you must be busy. 

04 보통 과일이나 주스를 사 가는 편이에요. I usually buy some fruit or juice to take.  

05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review 


문화 Culture  


제10장 일상생활 Daily Life

01 지갑에 돈이 많이 들어 있었어요? Did you have a lot of money in your wallet? 

02 그때까지 기다릴 수밖에 없어요. There’s no other choice but to wait until then. 

03 택배나 퀵서비스로 보내지 그래요? Why don’t you send it by home delivery or dispatch rider service

04 50% 할인 행사도 하는 중입니다. We’re also having a 50% off event.

05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review 


문화 Culture  

부록 Appendix



듣기 지문 Listening Scripts


대화 번역 Dialogue Translations


문화 번역 Culture Section Translations


색인 Index  




Master Korean 2-2 Basic (Chinese)

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