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Master Korean 1-1 Basic English version
232 Pages, Book size: 188 x 254 mm, Supplement: 1 MP3 CD
ISBN-13: 9788927731061 ISBN-10: 8927731069
An Introductory Coursebook for Conquering Korean for English Speakers!
The First Volume of the Master Korean Series (English)!
* Systematically organized to prepare you for Level 1 of the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK)!
* Fun activities using task-based teaching principles!
* A variety of exercises and rich visual and audio materials!
* Korean cultural information necessary for communication from a learner’s perspective!
*** Book Characteristics
The Master Korean series is an integrated set of coursebooks designed to help the reader fully master the Korean language through various activities and practice in the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. After learning all the grammar and vocabulary in each level, the reader will be able to sit for the corresponding level of the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK).
Master Korean 1-2 Basic (English) is the second book in the Master Korean coursebook series aimed at English-speaking learners studying Korean at the introductory level.
Through this book learners will improve their overall Korean language skills by practicing what they have learned through various activities, while also acquiring Korean cultural and linguistic knowledge necessary for successful communication in a variety of situations.
A Coursebook for Completely Conquering Korean
for English-speaking Introductory Learners!
· Systematically study for appropriate level of the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK)!
Together, Master Korean 1-1 and 1-2 introduces all of the vocabulary and grammar necessary to sit for Level 1 of the TOPIK.
· Have fun studying Korean using task-based teaching principles!
The series includes a variety of study tasks based on the authors’ many years of Korean teaching experience along with empirical data to create a text that is both easy to study and interesting.
· Enjoy rich visual and audio materials!
Each chapter is full of colorful illustrations and pictures, along with auditory materials created with professional voice actors to improve memorization and overall learning, regardless of whether you are studying by yourself or as a student in a language institution.
· Get valuable Korean cultural information necessary for communication from a learner’s perspective!
“Why do Koreans also address store employees as ‘big sister’·”
Includes detailed English explanations for many aspects of the Korean culture and language that learners are curious about.
** Table of Contents
How to Use This Book
Table of Contents
Introduction of Characters
Chapter 06 음식 Food
01 점심 먹으러 갈까요? Shall we go to eat lunch?
02 한번 먹어 보세요. Please try this food.
03 친구들과 같이 먹겠어요. I’ll eat together with my friends.
04 한국 음식 만들기 좋아해요. I like making Korean food.
05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review
● 문화 Culture
Chapter 07 쇼핑 Shopping
01 수박 한 통에 얼마예요? How much is one watermelon?
02 오늘은 바쁘니까 내일 갑시다. Since I’m busy today, let’s go tomorrow.
03 이 운동화는 정말 편하군요. These sneakers are really comfortable.
04 전자 상가에 가서 전자사전을 샀어요.
I went to the electronics market and bought an electronic dictionary.
05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review
● 문화 Culture
Chapter 08 전화 Telephones
01 이 선생님 계시면 좀 바꿔 주세요.
If Instructor Lee is there, please connect me to him.
02 전화벨 소리를 못 들었어요. I couldn’t hear the sound of the telephone.
03 리타 씨에게서 문자메시지를 받았어요?
Did you get a text message from Rita?
04 저도 잘 몰라요. I don’t know either.
05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review
● 문화 Culture
Chapter 09 교통 Transportation
01 여기에서 거기까지 얼마나 걸려요?
How long does it take to get from here to there?
02 명동으로 가 주세요. Please go to Myeongdong.
03 오후에 서울서점에 가려고 해요.
I plan to go to Seoul Bookstore in the afternoon.
04 버스나 지하철로 갈 수 있어요. You can go by bus or subway.
05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review
● 문화 Culture
Chapter 10 방학 Vacation
01 이번 시험이 어려울까요? Do you think the test will be difficult?
02 한 학기 동안 도와주셔서 감사합니다.
Thank you for your help during the semester.
03 제주도에 가 봤어요? Have you been to Jeju Island?
04 한국어를 처음 배울 때가 생각나요.
I remember the first time I started Korean learning.
05 다시 공부해 봅시다 Let’s review
● 문화 Culture
Listening Scripts
Dialogue Translations
Culture Section Translations