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[이화 한국어] Ewha Korean 2-2

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Product Description

160 Pages | 188*257mm (B5) | ISBN : 9788973008889

** Audio CD is replaced to the downloadable mp3 files.

Please visit the https://goo.gl/GGYzGL to download mp3 files.

Ewha Korean is a comprehensive textbook covering the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing with related content throughout all levels. While fostering balanced development of the four language skills, the new textbook is designed with an emphasis on speaking ability. The “Try it” section in each chapter is designed to encourage students to improve their conversation skills without memorization by creating their own dialogue according to a given situation and explanation of the flow of the dialogue and vocabulary. In addition, taking into consideration the demands and preferences expressed by students, levels 1 to 3 consist of two books each, and in levels 1 and 2 the instructions and explanations are given in English, Japanese, or Chinese.


Ewha Korean 2-1 covers Units 1~7 and Ewha Korean 2-2 covers Units 8~15.

Each chapter is divided into four parts: Parts 1,2,3, and "Culture & Literature". Parts 1,2, and 3 cover grammar, speaking, listening, reading and writing, while "Culture & Literature" explores Korean culture and gives students an introduction to literary works.


Table of contents

책을 펴내면서 Preface 
교재 구성표 Table of Contents 
교재 구성과 사용법 How to Use This Book 
주요 인물 Main Characters 

제8과 외모 Outward Appearance 
제9과 특별한 날 Special Days 
제10과 공공장소 Public Places 
제11과 초대 Invitation 
제12과 교통과 생활 Transportation and Life 
제13과 이웃과 집 Neighbors and Houses 
제14과 예약과 주문 Reservation and Order 
제15과 안부와 소식 Giving Regards and News 

듣기 지문 및 정답 Listening Script and Answers 
찾아보기 Index

Other Details

Publication Date:
Korean and English

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[이화 한국어] Ewha Korean 2-2

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